September 12, 2016
Assignment/Activities Today
- Chapter 2 – Data in Science
- Section 1 – Tools and Models in Science
- Key Concept Scientists use tools and models to increase their ability to investigate the natural world
- Tools are used to make accurate measurements while collecting data
- The International System of Units (SI) is a system of measurement used by most scientists
- Introduction to the Metric System
- Discuss Meters, Liters and Grams
- Differences Between Centimeters and Millimeters
- Students will measure 15 items around the room in both cm and mm
- If Incomplete BrainPOP – Virtual Labs: Using the Microscope (work through the lab and take Cornell notes on the pertinent information)
- If Incomplete BrainPOP – Virtual Lab Game Quiz: Using the Microscope (watch the video, take the Classic Quiz and “Submit” the result
- Quiz: Parts of the Microscope – Friday September 16, 2016
Standards Covered Today
8th Grade – #9:Investigation and Experimentation
Items of Note
Tuesdays at 2:00 – Opportunities to retake any quiz from the trimester